วันเสาร์ที่ 30 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Sirindhorn Museum in Kalasin



Sirindhorn Museum in Kalasin

In New Year, I went to Kalasin province to visit my grandmather. I had a chance to visit this place that is Srindhorn Museum. In side the museum, it had many things about dinosaur and had eight zones in here. The first zone is the universe and the earth. It is about the universe, the earth and the living being in the world that was born for a long time.

The second zone is Life Begins on Earth.

The third zone is Paleozoic: The Era of Ancient Life.

The fourth zone is Mesozoic: The Era of the Reptiles and Dinosaurs.

The fifth zone is Life of Dinosaurs.

The sixth zone is Restoring Life of Dinosaurs.

The seventh zone is Cenozoic: The Era of Mammals.

The eighth zone is the story of Man.

I think that this place is very interesting for children. It is because this museum can tell them that how people come from and in the past, there were many things that was born before them. Besides the history about the humans, they will know the other information that is how the dinosaur lived and ate.

Why Thai children in the past have to Khon Juk?

At present, because of the widespread of global changes and new cultures, there are hardly Thai children who wear topknots. This ancient ceremony, which has been our heritage for generations, is fading out, and will be soon left only in our memories. One of the reasons being that the Top Knot cutting ceremony is considered too delicate compared with a normal hairstyle. In the case of girls, a long hair is quite fashionable.
In the old times, when the children turn to be teenagers (13 years old for the boys, and 11 years old for the girls, referring to the Indian principle of beliefs) that is similar to the European tradition called "the Coming of Age", there must be a ceremony for this occasion so called "Khon Juk" or the "Top Knot Cutting" Ceremony.

It was usual that the Top Knot Cutting Ceremony to be held together with other auspicious ceremonies such as the New House Merit Making ceremony and the Birthday Merit Making because it was also considered a spiritual and auspicious ceremony.

There was an evening chanting on the day before, then the ritual activity was performed in the following morning by offering food to monks. The Child's Top Knot was cut at the auspicious time. The candle revolution ceremony, which is a Brahmin ritual activity, was performed in the afternoon in order to bless the child.

The extent of the ceremony was based on the host's financial status. It would be more economical if the Top Knot Cutting ceremony was held at the same occasion with the other ceremonies.

วันศุกร์ที่ 15 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Good Afternoon Everyone !!!!